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Sandia Clear 432 EC

Triclopyr 72 g/L + Propanil 360 g/L

Sandia Clear 432 EC is a post-emergence herbicide, selective particularly active on weeds irrigated rainfed rice and shoals. Sandia Clear 432 EC is composed of Triclopyr 72g/L and Propanil 360 g/L. It is available in a 1-liter can. It is recommended at a dose of 4L/ha.

Target: Sedge Seedlings And Broadlender Plants
Mode of Action: Systemic And Selective Post-Emergence Herbicide

To apply SANDIA CLEAR 432 EC, the BARA 16 L sprayer must be half-filled with clean water. Take 1 L of product, pour into the tank of bara 16 L. Stir well and supplement the porridge with water. Apply the resulting preparation on 1/4 Ha

Period of Application Between 14 And 21 Days After Sowing Or Transplanting The Rice Either Stage 2 To 5 Leaves Of The Weeds
Application Dose 4 L/ Ha
Remanence 30 Days, Depending On The Application And Conditions
Antidote No specific antidote, Symptomatic treatment
Formulation EC, Emulsionnable Concentrate
Toxicological Class WHO class III
Packaging 1L