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Rubber Power 5% PA

Ethephon 50g/Kg

Rubber Power 5% PA is a regulator of growth based on Ethephon measured at 50g/Kg. It is homologous on the rubber for stimulation of the flow of latex. Available in 500g and 20kg. It is recommended at a dose of 0.5 to 1g/tree.

Target: Kerf Notch and Regeneration
Mode of Action: Changes Physiology

Apply SANDIA POWER 5% PA on the bleeding panel using a brush.

Period of Application 2 days before bleeding every 1 to 2 months (depending on the clone) over the period from April to December
Application Dose 1g/Feet - 500g/Ha
Remanence Not Applicable
Antidote No specific antidote, Symptomatic treatment
Formulation PA, Latex
Toxicological Class WHO class III
Packaging 1L