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Sandia NPK 23-10-05

N (Nitrogen) 23g/Kg + P (Phosphorus) 10g/Kg + K (Potassium) 5g/Kg + S (Sulphur) 3g/Kg + Zn (Zinc) 0.3g/Kg+ MgO (Magnesium oxide) 2g/Kg

A unique grade that contains three main macroelements, a mesoelement (sulphur) and microelements (Magnesium oxide and zinc). The fertilizer is perfect for growing almost all crops on soils with low labile sulphur, Magnesium oxide and zinc. It provides balanced local nutrition of plants during pre-sowing application. It is particularly good for the main application on the soil.

Mode of Action: Adsorption By Stomata

Application Dose 3 pounds/1000 sq.ft
Antidote No specific antidote, Symptomatic treatment
Formulation Solid
Packaging 50Kg/25Kg