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Sandia Clear Aso

Bacillus Amyloliquefaciens Strain

Sandia Clear Aso is a preventive biofungicide based on Bacillus amyloliquefaciens QT 713, It's a product with broad-spectrum, effective against brown rot of cocoa (Phytophthoramegakarya and Phytophthora palmivora) and poyo banana in the postharvest phase. It is recommended at a dose of 2L/ha for cocoa and 10mL/L + alumina sulfate 10g/L for banana in post harvest.

Target: Brown cocoa pod rot (phytophthora megakarya and phytophthora palmivora) and poyo banana (Fusarium) in the post-harvest phase
Mode of Action: Biofungicidal, Curative And Preventive

On cocoa: Foliar application using an atomizer Put water in the tank of the device. Gradually add water to fill the tank, stirring to obtain a homogeneous mixture. Spray ¼ Ha of your cocoa tree

Period of Application Rainy season as soon as infestation appears every 10 days
Application Dose 2 L / ha for the cocoa tree 10 ml/L + aluminum sulphate 10 g/L banana tree
Remanence Depending on the Application and the Environmental Conditions
Antidote No specific antidote, Symptomatic treatment
Formulation SC, Suspension Concentrate
Toxicological Class WHO class III
Packaging 1L