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Sandia Urea 46% N


A cost effective, highly concentrated nitrogen fertilizer with 46 % nitrogen content in amid form.

Mode of Action: Adsorption By Stomata

The key to most efficiently using urea is to incorporate it into the soil during a tillage operation. You can also blend it into the soil with irrigation water. As little as 0.25 inches of rainfall is sufficient to blend urea deep enough into the soil so ammonia losses won't occur.

Application Dose 3 pounds/1000 sq.ft
Antidote No specific antidote, Symptomatic treatment
Formulation Solid
Packaging 50Kg and 25kg
APPLICATION HINT UREA 46 N can be recommended especially for maize and root crops, and/or on soils rich in clay. Incorporation into the soil improves the effect of UREA 46 N, while reducing the gas form losses of ammonia.